Donate education. Donate the future.
Bangladeshi children dream about going to school. They have seen too many people being desperate because of the lack of education. For illiterate people the chances of getting a qualified and well-paid job are very low. Their families struggle to make end meets and the children needs to work, as there is no money to be spent on the education. The wheel of poverty is closing.
Education means more options for the future and thus, a better life than their parents have had. Your donation will help them to make their dreams come true.
14$ Educational materials
(for 1 child)
Children get pencils, notebooks, reading books and other essentials for studying.
13$ Health check-ups
(for 1 child)
Families from the slum live in bad conditions and cannot afford regular medical care. Chalantika offers free preventive check-ups and treatments.
45$ Literacy course
(for 1 woman per 1 year)
It helps the women to get better paid work and to
assist children with their study. They also learn about health, hygiene, and their rights.
$ Different amount
If you wish to support young pupils and their parents by different financial amount than listed above, just click here and write the amount of the donation.